Tuesday 21 September 2010

Repentence: Disjointed

System Encryption Code Zeta Active. Data storage at 29%. Observation mode active. Currently active personality: Repentence. Nanotattoo matrix operational, current mode: debating.

You lied to us.

You chose to interpret my actions falsely. Don't blame me for your stupidity.

You lied to her, then.

And you haven't, my dear little bloodhound? You've been keeping things from all of us.

She's right.

That's my right, so shut the fuck up. Ash knows what was said, and she doesn't think it's important.

Oh yes, and she's wonderfully impartial. Aren't you, you AI bitch?

I'll choose to ignore that.

Don't you dare accuse me of being dishonest. We've all lied. We've all broken the rules. Even you, Repentence, so don't play the injured innocent. You lured that dock worker for us, and you enjoyed every moment.

...did not!

You can't lie to your own mind, stupid brat.

Even if I did, I'm not doing it again. You saw the look on Mor-

Morwen, Morwen, Morwen! Is there anything else in that tiny little mind of yours other than that stupid, gullible Intaki slut?


Make me.

Shut up, both of you. Can't you feel that headache?

And you're no better, Cruoris. You like to play the big bad Sani Sabik, but you're really under her thumb, just like Repentence. Don't want to risk upsetting her. Playing along, growling only when it doesn't matter.

You mechanised whore, I'll-

You'll what. Hurt me? How scary. You've got nothing on me. Just your silly impulsive anger. You know it's true.

"Reppy? Are you all right?"

Eyes open. Analysing image - average height Intaki woman, concerned expression. Nanotattoo changing modes to 'Repentence'.

"I'm fine. Why?"

"You've been a bit... quiet."

"I'm fine. Really. What were you saying?"

Time lapse. Notable events: switch of active personality to Serenity. Nanotattoo functioning at 96% success rate. Two games of Kalta played, Morwen lost both. Nanotattoo switching to 'debating'.

If I'm just playing along, what was that?

At least I don't cater to her every whim. It makes me sick, what you two do with her.

Hypocrite. You enjoy it just as much as we do.

Physical pleasure is hardly difficult to come by. It does not mean that I have to reflect on the experience with anything other than distaste. If you think otherwise, perhaps I should remind you of the sweet time you had with Vincent Pryce?

Shut the fuck up.

Don't like being reminded that you're an impulsive, retarded little bloodpuppy slut, do you? I'm surprised that the Cruor Infinitem still answers to you. If they knew what you get up to, they'd denounce you and blood you on the spot.


So easy to rile. So pathetic. So-

Serenity, please, stop it. You know that this doesn't achieve anything-

The mighty Cruoris can do no wrong, right?

I know that was my fault! I know, I know, I know! But it was YOURS as well! You voted!

Stop feeling smug, Sansha bitch!

I'll be as smug as I like. The look on Morwen's face when you confessed was wonderful.


System malfunction. Psychological reset in progress. Currently active personality: Nessie. Injecting sedatives, taking manual control. Host consciousness lost. Repositioning into sleeping posture. Nanotattoo going into standby. Comment, "I can't complain about this being a boring job."