Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Repentence: Unhappy Returns of the Day

Recorder on, audio feed only.

So that's it. A year.

Another year of life. Twenty. Doesn't sound like much. But here I am, twenty years old, bound literally to the whim of another.

A year since I was kicked out from my comfortable home I lived in, since my mother looked me in the eye and told me not to bother coming back. And now she's back, wanting to tell me something or other...

Not to mention PRELI moving base of operations, and all the admin nightmares inherent in that. And I don't even get to keep my new home... Mortis politely asked to buy it off me, said that with the new command sequence decryption techniques for Serpentis warships, to keep it as a luxury yacht would be criminal. What could I say? That I wanted to be selfish, that I'd rather keep it?

He's right. Not like I can't use the money to get something new that'll actually be a useful mining vessel. The old crate was a bit cramped, anyway. With something new, I can make it as comfortable and spacious as I want.

I haven't even told Inara that it's my birthday today. I wasn't sure I wanted to be reminded of what the last one was like... yeah, it lead me to getting here, but it wasn't a fun journey.

What can I say. It's been a bad day.

Recorder off.