Thursday 16 April 2009

Connecting and Disconnecting

Recorder on.

Mortis is not in his usual location, instead in a cramped room apparently of Minmatar design. Engraved on one wall is the name Feral Predator. He looks tired and twitchy, yet somehow satisfied.

Well, I called it and it happened. Perhaps in future Ensign Talan will pay more attention to me. Not that I could have prevented it, or perhaps even wanted to.

I went to the Skyhook. Got over my scare from the last visit, went through some old meditation techniques, that kind of thing. It was a nasty shock, but I think my condition is still under control.

Kimochi was there. Seemed rather more upbeat than last time, chatting to a Star Fraction pilot. At that point... well, things got messy.

He flops back onto the small bunk, and chuckles faintly.

This ship really isn't built for comfort, but I always feel safe sleeping here.

Ensign Talan showed up, and promptly tried to start a fight despite Ensign Khale's attempts to intervene. Good man. Both he and Ensign Subaka seem like the kind of people I can understand, much in the same mold as the old Twisted crowd.

It didn't come to anything, mind. Kelsy vented her spleen, then stalked off to her own corner. It shook Kimochi a bit though... she vanished off into the boardroom. I took the opportunity to try and heal some rifts with Kelsy, but she wasn't interested. She believed that nothing would come of the tension and threats. Hah.

Then, by the decree of the gods of irony, the man at the centre of this charming situation, Pryce himself, comes in and enters the boardroom before anyone can suggest that this is not a good idea. Kelsy went in shortly afterwards.

He lies back.

I don't think anyone was surprised when the medics were suddenly called in, and rush out again with Vincent's limp body pursued by Kelsy. Don't know if Kimochi killed him, or even if it was by gun or just a chair... but I called it.

Saves me potential trouble and the corp a lot of hassle. Assuming Myrhial doesn't come down on her like a ton of bricks.

He snorts.

Who am I kidding, of course she will. But if she's smart, she'll go light on the punishment. This clears a lot of air, better for the corp overall.

Kimochi seemed to be completely shellshocked, so I offered to take her home. Had to ignore Vaden and Inara's snickers on the way, of course. They remind me of Rath a bit. Wonder how that bitch is doing?

She didn't really say anything on the way back. I just dropped her off at the entrance with a tip of the metaphorical hat.

He smirks in dark amusement.

No doubt mother would be very proud of her gentlemanly son.

His expression becomes more serious, a little thoughtful.

There's going to be all kinds of speculation, mind, but I can put up with it. Commander Rendar has been through hell, and if my support helps her get back on her feet and a useful member of PRETA again, so much the better.

Somehow, it's refreshing to be concerned for another's problems rather than my own... I might be insane, but I wouldn't shoot a corpmate without an order. Or at least express permission.

He chuckles, shaking his head slightly, then reaches out to the camera.

Recorder off.

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