Monday 6 July 2009

Mortis: Dreaming

Recorder on.

The view is of a contorted vessel, all sleek Gallente lines and menace with a curious 'hammerhead' hull. In curling letters along the flank is the word Astaroth. Maintenance craft buzz around it, affixing plates and systems.

The camera pulls back to show Mortis looking over the Proteus from the viewing platform with a faint smile on his face.

She's finally here.

I've already tested the base systems. Just getting the final weapons installed. Connecting with her is like a dream...

You sound positively besotted.

The figure of Ashley moves into view. Mortis does not turn.

Can you blame me? Anyway. Did the Ferret perform adequately?

Adequately enough. Questions will no doubt be asked as to why you were spotted back here while one of your ships helped to decimate a Drone outpost. Few will be happy to know that they had an AI flying alongside them.

They'll get over it. They'll have to, if they wish for my assets to be supporting the Cartel while I'm working with the Serpentis.

Tread carefully. Even the half-truths we've told are not particularly appealling. It'll take time for them to trust me. I doubt that Miss Subaka ever will.

You don't sound particularly disappointed.

She's weak. Bargaining for the kidnapper's life instead of leaving her to her fate...

She's a long way from weak. And she's useful. She's taken good care of Reppy.


We're not discussing this again, Masque. You're considered a liability as it is.

I consider it a risk worth taking.

I don't, and you are still my subordinate. As per our deal. I give you shelter, you give me assistance. We all win.

The Masque does not reply for a while.

Very well. Now, excuse me. I feel the urge to merge with the Astaroth for a while.

To do what? Pray?

Don't be crass.

Ashley leaves the view.

Mortis looks off camera for a moment, mutters something inaudible, then reaches out to turn off the camera.

One more thing, Masque... did you autho-

Recorder off.

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