Sunday 21 June 2009

Mortis: Betrayers, Betrayals and Betrayed

Recorder on.

Mortis is in yet another screen room. This one seems cramped, and is apparently the conversion of the bridge of a cruiser. The Khanid architecture doesn't seem to be a modification, the dark lines and embellishments very much a part of the design. Engraved on the side of the wall are the words Obsidian Fate.

Crazy days.

Reppy's disappearance and reappearance were... concerning. I suspect I made few friends by failing to appear during those days. Idiots. As though rushing around to Motsu with a battalion of troopers was going to solve anything. Not that I can blame Miss Subaka... and Mr Pryce... well.

He shrugs vaguely.

No matter. They neither hindered nor helped the investigations. Though annoyingly, much the same can be said of both me and Elysa... matters resolved themselves. I don't like it when they do that. It means that some plan has been fulfilled... and I had no idea what it was.

Now I do. My little excursion proved it.

When I confronted K about it, she was blase as always. I swear that she's even colder than Elysa... Elysa wears that ice as a mask, but K has it at her core.

He shakes his head.

It made sense. All made sense. But she'd still betrayed my trust. So now I have a curious dilemma... to betray our connection to show my displeasure? To let it go?

It is, as I said, a curious dilemma... one that I might discuss with Kimochi. I've already mentioned it offhand to her.

Then there is my promotion.

He looks thoughtful for a while.

And finally there is Elysa. Soon after she threw Vince and Inara off her ship, she contacted me in a bad mood. It wasn't even venting... she just somehow wanted to blame me for something, I think. Cut the transmission mid-rant, sent a very insincere apology shortly afterwards. She's been away from the capsule for a while. Not sure exactly where. The problem with letting someone access your intelligence network is that it gives them clues for how to avoid it. I suspect that she went to her homeworld... I can think of nowhere else she'd go planetside.

Still hasn't got in touch again. She's an odd girl. But loyal to the core... ironic, really. She's spiky, aggressive, refuses to let people get too near. K has all those polite graces, the perfect lady... and beneath she's a heartless bitch. Insides and outsides. Skin depth and all that.

And just as my attention is changing from the Ghosts to my own organisation... some old faces are showing up. Whittenoom has already joined us, Adrastus is poking his nose around... and dear Rathnon is bringing her own brand of chaos to the local territory.

What does it take to get a little peace and calm?

He snorts with dark humour.

Suicide, maybe.

He flips a switch.

Recorder off.

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